In the Elementor, we introduce the selector option which allows you to target any element and copy that to the clipboard. Have Selector Option By default the have selector is set as No as below screenshot: If you set it as Yes then you see it as below: Here, Additional Selector input field appear where…

We provide all the possible options that will allow you to do all possible things to add and manage the copy-to-clipboard buttons. Below are some useful options we included in the options.

You can use the shortcode to add the copy icon anywhere you want. Create a demo page We are going to see how the shortcode works by adding the different shortcodes on the demo page. On the page, we just have a simple paragraph: <!– wp:paragraph –> <p>Hello World</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –> Use the Copy…

This is the easy way to add the copy button on the page. In this documentation, we are going to see how to add the copy button with the HTML Tag Selector. Create a Demo Page Before adding the copy button with the CSS class selector, we need the sample demo page. We have created…

This is the easy way to add the copy button on the page. In this documentation, we are going to see how to add the copy button with the CSS ID selector. Create a Demo Page Before adding the copy button with the CSS class selector, we need the sample demo page. We have created…

This is the easy way to add the copy button on the page. In this documentation, we are going to see how to add the copy button with the CSS class selector. Create a Demo Page Before adding the copy button with the CSS class selector, we need the sample demo page. We have created…

This is the easy way to add the copy button on the page. You just need to use the CSS selector as the CSS class, CSS ID, or the HTML tag name as the selector, and done 🙂 Note: Prefer this option, if you have multiple pages, and want to add the copy button to…

You can use the “Copy Anything to Clipboard” plugin with 3 ways. Automatically with “CSS Selector” It is an easy-to-use and simple method to add the copy button. You can add the CSS class or ID or the HTML tag and the copy button will appear and copy the content to the clipboard. Read more…

You can download the “” plugin zip, and install it on your website. Follow the below steps to install it on your website: Step 1: Search for it on Google Or, Search for WordPress Plugins You’ll see the plugins list as: And click on the plugin. Or, Direct visit to Plugin Page Simply visit to…