Add Copy Button To Code Snippet

📋 Simplify code sharing and make your tutorials more user-friendly by adding a ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button to your code snippets.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to enhance your code-focused content, boosting user engagement and making it easier for your audience to utilize your code in their projects.

Let’s streamline the coding experience together! 💻📝🚀

Note: The below steps will work only with the WordPress website.

To do this we are going to follow:

Create Post

I’m creating a demo article in which, I will use the code snippet.

You can ignore this step.

Just see how I can implement the copy button the the code snippet.

You can do the same for your post.

  • Go to Posts > Add new
  • Enter title “ Demo Article with Code Snippet
  • Add the code snippets

Note: In this demo, I’m using Gutenberg as an editor.

After adding the code snippet.

You may see something as below:

Blog post with code snippet backend editor

After publishing the article, On front-end, we see something below:

Blog post with code snippet front end

Install Copy Anything to Clipboard

To add the copy button, you need to install the plugin “Copy Anything to Clipboard”.

Note: Ignore this step if you already installed the plugin.

See the below screenshot for reference:

Install the Copy Anything to Clipboard plugin

Add Pre as a CSS Selector

After installing and activating the Copy Anything to Clipboard plugin, You can see the submenu ‘Copy to Clipboard

What are the CSS selectors?

The CSS selector is the:

  1. HTML tag name
  2. HTML CSS class attribute
  3. Or, HTML id attribute

A quick example of HTML markup/code:

<div class="hello" id="world">

Here is the sample HTML markup. We can see the CSS selectors as:

  • div – It is the HTML tag
  • hello – It is the CSS class
  • world – It is the CSS id

How to check the CSS selector?

From the above blog post. On the front end, we can see the HTML markup.

  • Go to Article page
  • Right-click and select Inspect

You can see the HTML markup.

See below reference video below:

Here, We can see the markup is with pre tag HTML selector.

Add Copy Button to Pre tag

Now, We see the pre is the HTML tag for the code snippet.

Now, We are going to add the copy button to the code snippet selector.

  • Step 1: Go to Settings > Copy to Clipboard
  • Step 2: Enter the Post Title
    Enter any title. I’m adding the title as Code Snippet
  • Step 3: Add the selector as a pre
  • Step 4: Update the Button style, and text.
    I have just updated the button text as “Copy to Clipboard”

You can see the above steps as below:

Done. That’s it.

Now, Just visit the front end.

You’ll see the “Copy to Clipboard” button added to each of the blockquotes.

You can see something below:

Code Snippet with Copy to Clipboard Button

Easy right?

Try it and share your feedback in the comments.


Adding a “Copy to Clipboard” button to your code snippets in WordPress is a simple yet effective way to enhance user experience and encourage content sharing.

With the “Copy Anything to Clipboard” plugin, you can accomplish this with ease. Here’s a quick recap of the steps:

  1. Create Your Post: Start by creating or editing a post on your WordPress website. Add the code snippets you want to enable copying for.
  2. Install the Plugin: Visit the “Copy Anything to Clipboard” plugin page and download the plugin zip file. Install and activate it on your WordPress website.
  3. Add Pre as a CSS Selector: Determine the CSS selector for the code snippets element in your post. This can be found by inspecting the HTML markup on the front end of your article.
  4. Add Copy Button to Code Snippets: In the plugin settings, specify the post title, enter the CSS selector for the pre, and customize the button style and text. Save your settings.

With these simple steps, you can seamlessly integrate a “Copy to Clipboard” button for your code snippets, making it convenient for your readers to share valuable content from your articles.

Enhance your user experience and increase content sharing by implementing this feature on your WordPress website. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to share them in the comments.

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